Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thanks, Gila!

As you can see, Gila's worked her magic and the blog looks great. Thank you for your creativity and kindness!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Logo coming soon!

Ask and the Universe will provide. At least that's been my experience with Girl Gone Gifting so far. Gila of Etsy's Strumpfkunst has stepped up to the plate to design our logo. Thank you! Gals, it looks awesome and I can't wait to reveal it to you. Keep checking in here at the blog and make sure to take a peek over at Gila's shop. She specializes in creating sock animals. They are so cute I can hardly stand it! I mean, how can you resist this face??

Friday, September 14, 2007

Etsy rallies!

Here I am listening to Craftsanity, as I take a break from my work day. I checked my guerrilla gifting post on Etsy and found 6 new responses. I am excited to see what happens and feel thankful for the growing response. For those who have contacted me, I will e-mail you the address information.


Great news, everyone!

I was contacted this afternoon by a woman (who coincidentally shares my last name) about donating a piece of her photography. Yes, yes, yes!

Thank you, Ann Wilkinson!

I can't wait to see your work in person. I can't wait to pass it on to the first guerrilla giftee.

The spirit of gifting is in the air, my friends...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Calling the craft community

I posted about this project on Craftster and Get Crafty yesterday. Let's see what happens!

Monday, September 3, 2007


To check out my latest creative venture check out eco-frock.

Creative input welcome!