Monday, October 29, 2007

Gifted #1

Hello, all!
I apologize for the delay. The gift went out over a week ago, right before all of my paperwork was due for the completion of my coaching program. So, on to the gifting....
I must admit, the gifting was more difficult than I anticipated. I carried the photo around and as I passed women I'd catch myself thinking, "hmmm...her? No, maybe her...Wait, what about her?" Eventually, I thought it was time to act. Get it out there! So, off to the Women's Library.
I've peeked into the Women's Library in Newtown a couple of times and it seemed like the perfect place to leave a wonderful surprise for an unsuspecting woman. When I arrived, the library was closed but set to open in a half an hour. With the photograph in a protective covering and a note stating it was for whatever woman came across it first, I crouched down and slid it under the door in one swift motion. My adrenaline kicked in and I was out of there as fast as lightening!
There is no word from the new owner yet. There may never be. That, to me, is part of this experience. Giving for the sake of giving.
Thanks again for the opportunity to see where this take us...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ann Wilkinson, Guerrilla Gifter #1

Ann Wilkinson of Park City, Utah, USA is our first guerrilla gifter!

Buddha in tree

8 x 10 photograph
Taken in Ayuthuga, Thailand in June 2006.

A word from Ann:

"After owning and directing an international shipping company for 18 years, my creativity was severely depleted. Recently, I took out my camera, dusted it off, and set out again to take a new look at the world. This is just a small sample of what I've begun to see again. Our creative spirit can ebb and flow like the ocean tides, and its structure can change within ourselves, as powerfully as water uses its strength to change and rearrange the shoreline. Listen to yourself, allow yourself time to process your thoughts and don't be afraid to try anything!"

To find out more about Ann and her work, check out her
etsy shop. Also, her website will be up and running later this week.

Ann, thank you for your beautiful art, generousity and enthusiasm. It means a lot to me that you believe in this project and were willing to take the plunge and participate.

Are you ready to dive in?

Contact me at for more details.

This piece will be gifted over the weekend. Stay tuned!!