Monday, August 27, 2007

The concept

"Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty."

-Anne Herbert

Have you ever had an idea that lights you up?

This project is mine.

* Flashback to 2005 *

I am a waitress at a French bistro. It isn’t my dream job, but the cash will buy a ticket to Australia and that’s all the matters, right? Christmas is just around the bend and customers are few and far between as the temperature dips into the notoriously low digits found in the Midwest in December. I serve a woman who is treating her elderly father to a day out and about. They are regulars. They drink wine and split cake. I enjoy serving them. They finish eating. I take them their cheque and take a stack of dirty dishes to the kitchen. When I come back to the front counter, I proceed to get the woman her change as she begins to make her way to the door. I realize she’s given me WAY too much money for the bill. There must be some mistake. I hurry to let her know. “Excuse me, you’ve overpaid the bill…let me get you your change.” She reaches out to touch my arm and says, “It’s all for you.” I stand there dumbstruck and say thank you. I mean it. Thank you, kind woman. Thank you, universe.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Every woman deserves to feel so cared for and loved.

I want to see how far I can push this concept.

Here’s how:

I will –

· Request and collect your generous handcrafted donations
· Promote your art and web details (etsy shop, etc.)
· Give out the gifts to women
· Document my gifting adventures

You are invited to –

· Donate a handmade gift to Girl Gone Gifting for distribution
· Volunteer your creative talents to Girl Gone Gifting
· Become a guerrilla gifter

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