Monday, August 27, 2007


Why ?

Why not? As a life coach, I believe we can create just about anything we can imagine. I want to walk the talk and see what can come from ‘putting it out there’.

The universe has been kind to me and I want to do my part to ensure that others, particularly women, have the opportunity to experience their own blessings.

In my mind, only good can come from this experiment. Good in the form of creativity, friendship and empowerment for women. Bring on the good!

What is Guerrilla Gifting?

In the Girl Gone Gifting sense, guerrilla gifting is passing on art from one stranger to another. In this case, it’s from woman to woman. The process is less about the object exchanging hands, and more about the experience of graciously giving.

What is it about?

Is it about women? Yes. Is it about creativity? Yes. Is it about community? Yes. Is it about empowerment? Yes. Is it about entrepreneurship? Yes. Is it about generosity? Yes. Is it about simplicity? Yes.

These things and so much more, which is yet to be discovered.

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