Monday, August 27, 2007

Get Involved

Step 1: Make something

Gift submissions – your homemade goods

· Jewellery
· Scarves
· Hats
· Pins
· Bags
· Photography
· Drawings
· Prints
· Note cards

Whatever you speciality, send it this way.

Bonus points for using recycled materials!

Step 2: Mail it

Within your package, please include
· The gift
· A guerrilla gifting info form
· A note for your gift recipient
· A written description of your gift
· Your business card, if you have one

Contact me at for address details.

Step 3: On the blog

All guerrilla gifts received will be displayed on the blog before distribution.

This includes:
· A photo of the guerrilla gift
· A brief description
· Your first name (optional)
· Your location
· A link to your website, etsy shop, or blog address
· A couple of lines about you and/or your work

Feel free to e-mail me a photo of yourself to include on the blog.

Step 4: Out into the world

Once your guerrilla gift has been posted on the blog then it’s time for it to find it’s new owner. Who will the be? A woman. She could be young. She could be old. She could be a mother playing with her children in the park. She could be a college student waiting for the bus. She may be joyful. She may be sad.

All that matters is, that for one moment in her life, she feels special and loved.

Ideally, it will be a gift and run experience. All gift recipients will also be given a guerrilla gifting calling card listing the blog address. This way, recipients can read more about the project and make a connection to the original guerrilla gifter, you!

It will be my deep delight to act as an ambassador of guerrilla gifting.

As we grow…

Email me tales of your own local guerrilla gifting adventures.

All guerrilla gift recipients are also welcome to contact me.

Other ways to get involved – donate time & creativity
· Logo design
· Blog design
· Calling card design

If you are interested, please email me at

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