Monday, October 29, 2007

Gifted #1

Hello, all!
I apologize for the delay. The gift went out over a week ago, right before all of my paperwork was due for the completion of my coaching program. So, on to the gifting....
I must admit, the gifting was more difficult than I anticipated. I carried the photo around and as I passed women I'd catch myself thinking, "hmmm...her? No, maybe her...Wait, what about her?" Eventually, I thought it was time to act. Get it out there! So, off to the Women's Library.
I've peeked into the Women's Library in Newtown a couple of times and it seemed like the perfect place to leave a wonderful surprise for an unsuspecting woman. When I arrived, the library was closed but set to open in a half an hour. With the photograph in a protective covering and a note stating it was for whatever woman came across it first, I crouched down and slid it under the door in one swift motion. My adrenaline kicked in and I was out of there as fast as lightening!
There is no word from the new owner yet. There may never be. That, to me, is part of this experience. Giving for the sake of giving.
Thanks again for the opportunity to see where this take us...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ann Wilkinson, Guerrilla Gifter #1

Ann Wilkinson of Park City, Utah, USA is our first guerrilla gifter!

Buddha in tree

8 x 10 photograph
Taken in Ayuthuga, Thailand in June 2006.

A word from Ann:

"After owning and directing an international shipping company for 18 years, my creativity was severely depleted. Recently, I took out my camera, dusted it off, and set out again to take a new look at the world. This is just a small sample of what I've begun to see again. Our creative spirit can ebb and flow like the ocean tides, and its structure can change within ourselves, as powerfully as water uses its strength to change and rearrange the shoreline. Listen to yourself, allow yourself time to process your thoughts and don't be afraid to try anything!"

To find out more about Ann and her work, check out her
etsy shop. Also, her website will be up and running later this week.

Ann, thank you for your beautiful art, generousity and enthusiasm. It means a lot to me that you believe in this project and were willing to take the plunge and participate.

Are you ready to dive in?

Contact me at for more details.

This piece will be gifted over the weekend. Stay tuned!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thanks, Gila!

As you can see, Gila's worked her magic and the blog looks great. Thank you for your creativity and kindness!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Logo coming soon!

Ask and the Universe will provide. At least that's been my experience with Girl Gone Gifting so far. Gila of Etsy's Strumpfkunst has stepped up to the plate to design our logo. Thank you! Gals, it looks awesome and I can't wait to reveal it to you. Keep checking in here at the blog and make sure to take a peek over at Gila's shop. She specializes in creating sock animals. They are so cute I can hardly stand it! I mean, how can you resist this face??

Friday, September 14, 2007

Etsy rallies!

Here I am listening to Craftsanity, as I take a break from my work day. I checked my guerrilla gifting post on Etsy and found 6 new responses. I am excited to see what happens and feel thankful for the growing response. For those who have contacted me, I will e-mail you the address information.


Great news, everyone!

I was contacted this afternoon by a woman (who coincidentally shares my last name) about donating a piece of her photography. Yes, yes, yes!

Thank you, Ann Wilkinson!

I can't wait to see your work in person. I can't wait to pass it on to the first guerrilla giftee.

The spirit of gifting is in the air, my friends...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Calling the craft community

I posted about this project on Craftster and Get Crafty yesterday. Let's see what happens!

Monday, September 3, 2007


To check out my latest creative venture check out eco-frock.

Creative input welcome!

Monday, August 27, 2007

I confess, I used to go guerrilla gifting

How it began

During the summer of 2004 I worked with some fabulous ladies at a summer camp in New Hampshire. We were in constant search of wacky and wonderful things to do during our two months together – everything from riding an iceblock downhill at breakneck speeds to puddle jumping. When I returned to my hometown of Lawrence, Kansas I continued to seek out ways to have some good, clean fun! My ‘missions’ evolved into opportunities to bring a little sunshine to others.

Mission 1

I roped my girl friend into handwriting over 100 uplifting messages (with colorful crayon drawings, mind you) onto postcard-sized leaflets. We distributed them by slyly slipping them beneath the windshield wipers of cars in a downtown parking lot. Imagine – not another advertisement greeting you, but a kind word from a stranger! Mission complete.

Mission 2

Prepare yourself – this is about to get stinky. At the suggestion of a friend, I carved a block of cheddar into the name of the cheesiest person I knew, my mentor. Have you ever sculpted a piece of curdled milk? No? Do it. It’s a bit tricky, so make sure you have a sharp knife and cold block of dairy goodness. My surprise was delivered to his desk one night after a meeting. I plunked the tasty queso down and split from the scene. A week later I inquired about the fromage find. He had mixed feelings – while he loved the thought, he ate the whole lot in one sitting! He had a belly ache like man has never known!


Three years have passed and I’ve been one busy girl! I graduated from college, and spent two years working and travelling throughout the United States and internationally. Eventually I settled in Sydney, Australia with my partner and started Womankind Coaching, a business designed to help women weave their unique passions and abilities into their future.

Now, I am ready to resume my role as a Guerrilla Gifter.

Will you join my crusade?


Why ?

Why not? As a life coach, I believe we can create just about anything we can imagine. I want to walk the talk and see what can come from ‘putting it out there’.

The universe has been kind to me and I want to do my part to ensure that others, particularly women, have the opportunity to experience their own blessings.

In my mind, only good can come from this experiment. Good in the form of creativity, friendship and empowerment for women. Bring on the good!

What is Guerrilla Gifting?

In the Girl Gone Gifting sense, guerrilla gifting is passing on art from one stranger to another. In this case, it’s from woman to woman. The process is less about the object exchanging hands, and more about the experience of graciously giving.

What is it about?

Is it about women? Yes. Is it about creativity? Yes. Is it about community? Yes. Is it about empowerment? Yes. Is it about entrepreneurship? Yes. Is it about generosity? Yes. Is it about simplicity? Yes.

These things and so much more, which is yet to be discovered.

Get Involved

Step 1: Make something

Gift submissions – your homemade goods

· Jewellery
· Scarves
· Hats
· Pins
· Bags
· Photography
· Drawings
· Prints
· Note cards

Whatever you speciality, send it this way.

Bonus points for using recycled materials!

Step 2: Mail it

Within your package, please include
· The gift
· A guerrilla gifting info form
· A note for your gift recipient
· A written description of your gift
· Your business card, if you have one

Contact me at for address details.

Step 3: On the blog

All guerrilla gifts received will be displayed on the blog before distribution.

This includes:
· A photo of the guerrilla gift
· A brief description
· Your first name (optional)
· Your location
· A link to your website, etsy shop, or blog address
· A couple of lines about you and/or your work

Feel free to e-mail me a photo of yourself to include on the blog.

Step 4: Out into the world

Once your guerrilla gift has been posted on the blog then it’s time for it to find it’s new owner. Who will the be? A woman. She could be young. She could be old. She could be a mother playing with her children in the park. She could be a college student waiting for the bus. She may be joyful. She may be sad.

All that matters is, that for one moment in her life, she feels special and loved.

Ideally, it will be a gift and run experience. All gift recipients will also be given a guerrilla gifting calling card listing the blog address. This way, recipients can read more about the project and make a connection to the original guerrilla gifter, you!

It will be my deep delight to act as an ambassador of guerrilla gifting.

As we grow…

Email me tales of your own local guerrilla gifting adventures.

All guerrilla gift recipients are also welcome to contact me.

Other ways to get involved – donate time & creativity
· Logo design
· Blog design
· Calling card design

If you are interested, please email me at

The concept

"Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty."

-Anne Herbert

Have you ever had an idea that lights you up?

This project is mine.

* Flashback to 2005 *

I am a waitress at a French bistro. It isn’t my dream job, but the cash will buy a ticket to Australia and that’s all the matters, right? Christmas is just around the bend and customers are few and far between as the temperature dips into the notoriously low digits found in the Midwest in December. I serve a woman who is treating her elderly father to a day out and about. They are regulars. They drink wine and split cake. I enjoy serving them. They finish eating. I take them their cheque and take a stack of dirty dishes to the kitchen. When I come back to the front counter, I proceed to get the woman her change as she begins to make her way to the door. I realize she’s given me WAY too much money for the bill. There must be some mistake. I hurry to let her know. “Excuse me, you’ve overpaid the bill…let me get you your change.” She reaches out to touch my arm and says, “It’s all for you.” I stand there dumbstruck and say thank you. I mean it. Thank you, kind woman. Thank you, universe.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Every woman deserves to feel so cared for and loved.

I want to see how far I can push this concept.

Here’s how:

I will –

· Request and collect your generous handcrafted donations
· Promote your art and web details (etsy shop, etc.)
· Give out the gifts to women
· Document my gifting adventures

You are invited to –

· Donate a handmade gift to Girl Gone Gifting for distribution
· Volunteer your creative talents to Girl Gone Gifting
· Become a guerrilla gifter