Monday, August 27, 2007

I confess, I used to go guerrilla gifting

How it began

During the summer of 2004 I worked with some fabulous ladies at a summer camp in New Hampshire. We were in constant search of wacky and wonderful things to do during our two months together – everything from riding an iceblock downhill at breakneck speeds to puddle jumping. When I returned to my hometown of Lawrence, Kansas I continued to seek out ways to have some good, clean fun! My ‘missions’ evolved into opportunities to bring a little sunshine to others.

Mission 1

I roped my girl friend into handwriting over 100 uplifting messages (with colorful crayon drawings, mind you) onto postcard-sized leaflets. We distributed them by slyly slipping them beneath the windshield wipers of cars in a downtown parking lot. Imagine – not another advertisement greeting you, but a kind word from a stranger! Mission complete.

Mission 2

Prepare yourself – this is about to get stinky. At the suggestion of a friend, I carved a block of cheddar into the name of the cheesiest person I knew, my mentor. Have you ever sculpted a piece of curdled milk? No? Do it. It’s a bit tricky, so make sure you have a sharp knife and cold block of dairy goodness. My surprise was delivered to his desk one night after a meeting. I plunked the tasty queso down and split from the scene. A week later I inquired about the fromage find. He had mixed feelings – while he loved the thought, he ate the whole lot in one sitting! He had a belly ache like man has never known!


Three years have passed and I’ve been one busy girl! I graduated from college, and spent two years working and travelling throughout the United States and internationally. Eventually I settled in Sydney, Australia with my partner and started Womankind Coaching, a business designed to help women weave their unique passions and abilities into their future.

Now, I am ready to resume my role as a Guerrilla Gifter.

Will you join my crusade?

1 comment:

firmament said...

Lisa! I remember our windshield notes! I love it, and love what you've started. Will you be back in the States anytime soon?